About me

It all began with a simple idea fueled by a deep passion to break through sin cycles and discover my identity in Christ and step into my purpose. As I set my intention to completely surrender my life to Christ and pursue Him with my whole heart, mind and soul, He began to reveal my assignment to inspire others to do the same.

Who am I? I am just a woman who genuinely loves Jesus and does her best daily to seek and follow the leading of the Holy spirit. As you witness my journey through this site, I pray you see your story in mine, discover that you are not alone and are not only comforted but also inspired to continue your own faith journey with Jesus. I really do love you family. Let us do this together.

Welcome to The Reality of Following God

Discover a place where believers can find companionship and encouragement on their walk with Christ. My blog offers insights, stories, and resources to help you navigate the joys and challenges of living a life of faith.


How am I feeling? A question mark just about describes it well.

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Moving with God

The Lord has shifted me into a new church. One that is typically not my style of church to go to. I have grown so accustomed to my previous church. I love everything about Sunday worship. It is the Monday through Saturday that is empty and can certainly be added too.

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I am feeling an undeniable calm and peace today. The enemy has tried desperately to disturb it. Success only for the moment but then a return back to the peace.

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Going Within

Today I began working on going within. I am in the processing of removing all external distractions so I can focus on what is going inside of me.

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