My Background

 I am a retired military Seabee. I received my Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in March 2022. A former health and fitness enthusiasts, I have run two marathons all by the grace of God. I have traveled the world and have had the great opportunity to experience a variety of cultures and develop relationships with diverse people groups, civilian and military. I have a non-profit- SOLO- Serving Our Loved Ones, where our intention is going out into the recesses of our cities and ministering through love, prayer and the provision of resources to the homeless who will not go to a church building. I have volunteered at homeless shelters and completed a 9-month apprenticeship in outreach serving those in need. I am mom to a 22-year-old son and 20-year-old daughter. With all the roles I have been in and am currently in, my greatest role is, by the grace of God, out of my love for Him- a prisoner of Jesus Christ.

I have done so much in my lifetime. I have been saved for 7 years and my journey with Christ has been unique. I asked God why He waited so long to save me, and He said, “I wanted you to exhaust all of life, because one day, I knew I'd ask you for it all”. Now I am God’s. I wake up by His leading, follow His leading throughout my day and go to sleep by His instruction. By His grace, I do my best to seek and follow the very steps He lays before Me.

As a mother of two, I know what it is like trying to meet the demands of family and loved ones, maintain and progress in a career, seek higher education, continuing self-care, seeking and growing deeper in intimacy with God all while pursuing the great and unimaginable purpose God has for you in ministry serving others. It takes absolute surrender and a clinging to Jesus to do so.

As a public speaker, bible study teacher, Christian life coach, I love to take people beyond the word to relationship with the word discussing what it means to be a Christian and how to practically apply basic Christian principles.  What does it mean to be a Christian? Go after Jesus, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him (Matt 16:24). Through the leading of the holy spirit, let me show your audience how through lectures, bible study, spiritual mentorship and counseling. My prayer for you and your audience, is that you go away with Jesus and lose yourself in Him, then inspire others to do the same.

Key Topics:

  • How to do What God is Asking you to do When you Don't Want to
  • Mind your Thought Life
  • Preparation for Kingdom Marriage
  • Proverbs 31 Woman
  • Men- MVG's? Mission Vision and Goals
  • Relationship with Father, God
  • Checklist Christianity
  • Uncovering the Devil's Strategy in Your Life
  • Struggle with Sin?
  • Faith + Deeds= Complete Faith
  • Process with Jesus
  • Facing Your Goliath
  • The Unique Relationship Between Moses and the Father
  • Promise Land Starter kit
  • Overcoming the Idolatry of Man
  • Opening your eyes to the ruinous idolatry of health and fitness

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