Trusting God; No Longer Only Trusting Me

Published on 8 October 2024 at 16:31

There is much activity going on in my life right now.

My eyes have been opened to the spiritual war occurring in my life.

There was a time I didn't know. Then there was a time when I suspected it. There was a time where I knew it. Now I see it.

I cant physically see actual demons and angels, but I can perceive the demonic and the angelic at work. I can discern my enemy and my helper and their activity now is at an all-time high, more active than ever before.

All of this activity around me and in me is just an indication that I am closer than I've ever been to the manifestation of all of God's promises.

The Holy Spirit, my angels, destiny connections are all being used to get me to the point of arrival at the time appointed.

The devil, demonic spirits, vessels of sin, workers of iniquity are all being used to pull me back.

I can see it all so clearly. I am seeing in the spirit.

With all of this activity taking place, what is one to make of it? What is one to do?

Rest in God.

I can only get up each day doing the best I can to serve and honor God.

I cannot control the happenings in my life. I can only continue to move forward in what I believe God is calling me to do.

Today, I rest in the grace and mercy of God- not to be abused but used accessed

Sometimes I do amazing. Sometimes I fall short.

I am always continuing to love God, others and myself the best I can, to remain in my seat of royalty and rise above the chaos in this world and pursue Gods will.

As we move forward in this journey and are tried, tested, stretched, challenged and experience suffering and hardship by the hand of God,

As we also endure spiritual warfare as the devil is actively working to kill, steal, destroy, devour and lie to us

what is one who formed from mere dust to do?

The I AM that I AM; the creator of all creation.

The Great enemy- the ruler of this word; god of this age

at war in me, around me, for me.

The very moment I see God's setup, I obey and have victory. The very next moment I tear down what was just established, and I see Satan and experience defeat.

It's almost like I take two steps forward in God and satan knocks me back 3 steps. God brings me up 6 steps to make up the difference. Satan knocks me down 3.

There is a point I must get to, but I don't know how in the midst of all of this I will get there

The only thing I can do is daily surrender afresh and renew my mind. 

I have to trust that all things will work out for good and trust that God will ultimately get me where I desire to go.

Even as I type this, the warfare continues as satan desires to distract me: fictious potential conversations running through my mind, my phone, noise outside my room and sudden feelings of fatigue and heaviness. Before I would have not even taken notice. Now, I see satan all over it and my response, "get thee behind me satan!!!" And I press knowing that this blog must be a vehicle used as a way to usher me into destiny.

This must be our attitude to get up each day doing the best we can in the Lord and giving all to the Lord. 

Give yourself grace and mercy as you do this.

Eventually, you will find yourself long past the mark God was desiring you to get too and that the enemy tried to keep you from.

You got this!!! We got this!! Let's move forward each day in Christ knowing we are not alone.

From Jesus:

Fight Jennifer. Fight to get through. Keep going. Just please don't give up no matter how hard it gets. I am with you comforting, in you helping, in front of you clearing the way, behind you protecting, over you covering. You are not alone. You are on the right track. The time is now. Be ready. Be in position.

Question of the day

What are your overall feelings about your current station in life?

Do not let all the activity move you out of position. God is getting ready to move. Let Him find you where He has told you to be.

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