God's rhythm

Published on 17 July 2024 at 20:47

Today's message is to get into God's flow. There is a rhythm, a sound that the Lord is making. Seek to hear the sound and get into His rhythm and move in sync with Him.

The Holy spirit desires to lead and guide you. In order to do this, you must surrender your own will, wants and desires. But even more so than laying them down, let the Lord's wants become your wants. Be so eager to have the God thing manifest in your life, that you abandon your own understanding, take a back seat and place your trust in the spirit to lead. In order to this you have to be intentional with seeking the Holy Spirit so much so that you become sensitive to it. When you feel the unction of the Holy spirit, trust it and move. 

See when you stall, hesitate and/or fail to act, you pull yourself out of the rhythm and the flow of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is moving in not just what you can see, but what you cannot. Consider a roundabout in traffic. One person's actions can affect others that are out of their line of sight. God is a creator, and His spirit is on the move ready to innovate through His creation. He is moving through you and through the lives of others in time and outside of time in ways you cannot perceive. This is why it is so important to listen for the rhythm and to get into the flow of God. Do not be the traffic monitor trying to control and direct the flow of the holy spirit. Surrender to it. Come into agreement with Him and simply remove the mind and allow the body simply to follow where the spirit is taking you.

God's ultimate plan for your life does not need man's checks and balances, He simply needs your trust and obedience. You can trust His plan as it is to prosper you not to harm you (JER 29:11). His promises are yes and Amen (2 COR 1:20). He is not a man that He should lie (NUM 23:19). If it makes you uncomfortable, lean into it and trust God. Comfort is the killer of destiny. Safety and security are idols that will not serve you in the kingdom. It is faith that pleases God. Place your faith with God, get into His flow and watch the new thing God is doing manifest in you and through you. 

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Jennifer Anderson
a month ago
