Standing up for Jesus

Published on 13 August 2024 at 14:38

Today I am so proud of myself.

I stood up for Jesus!

Who did I stand up against for Jesus?



I found my heart today turning from the Lord.

My heart tried going to that sad place. I said "No. we're not doing that!!"

All day it tried to pull me into the sad place. I wouldn't let it for long.

When that didn't work it tried to pull me into anger so I would rebel but NO SALE.

I kept turning back to the Lord telling Him I loved Him, we were doing this together and that I would not let my heart grow cold.

Jesus is my love and today I stood up for Him.

I would not allow myself to speak negatively about Him or His process. I stood up for Him.

Jesus is my brother, my friend, the Holy Spirit, my comforter, God, my Father.

We are on the same team. They are leading me through this fight, and I will not abandon them in it even if I have to turn on me.

Let my thoughts and my emotions be surrendered to the Lord and for Him in love.

I will no longer make room for anything else.

If God be for me who can be against me.

Now let me be for God, first and always.

From Jesus:

Today you fought back in a way you haven't before. You are learning. Continue to fight Jennifer. When you are at your weakest; when you are at your worst, the fight is on, don't give up. Push through it and see the salvation of the Lord.


Proverbs 4:23 

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Question of the day?

Do you stand up against yourself for God?


Do you allow yourself to speak negatively about God or the process He has you in?


See the devil at work!


I invite you to come up with a phrase or scripture to say to interrupt that negativity and darkness for you to realign yourself with God.

I say "No. We not doing that!"

What will you say?


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