Trusting God

Published on 12 August 2024 at 10:56

Not knowing

I have embraced not knowing today. I don’t know who I am in this season.

I’ve let go of who I have always known myself to be to embrace who God is revealing to me that I am in Him

I don’t know what the ultimate plan is for my life.

I thought I knew, but this could simply be used as a tool to take me somewhere else, or a distraction of the enemy or simply my own soulish wants and my desires

I  have given my day over to the Lord. I dont know what today entails.

Directionless, formless I am Gods to do as He wills

I thought I was being built but I was being demolished

Now my only job is to remain pliable, flexible as clay in the Potters hand

...To surrender to his hand

Do I know where I’m going? Do I know what opposition awaits me, Do I know the resistance that will arise within me?

Not a clue

But I know who is leading me. I know who is in me. I know who walks with me.

And if God be for me who can be against me.

I trust God.

Not just to give me blessings in a land of milk and honey

But I trust Him to do what is necessary to bring me into the ultimate good of His perfect will.

Whether it is through mountain tops or valleys; light or dark; good or bad,

I now fully trust the one who’s with me and surrender to what He wills.

My life is in the hands of the one who gave it to me

Do with it what you may


From Jesus

Your only responsibility from here on out is to maintain this heart posture. This is where I desire all of my children to get to. Here, is where I can do my best work.Whenever you feel yourself moving away from this posture, call on me and I will help you get back there.

Question of the day

Are you only trusting God for the blessings and promiseland?

Or are you simply trusting Him to take you down the path that will allow His will to be done in your life?

Can He trust you will difficulty and challenge to not turn from Him but to Him?

Let this be your point of prayer.

Let us learn to trust God for, in and through it all.

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