The Assault

Published on 27 August 2024 at 20:32

Today I was under attack by the enemy. I would say it was an ambush but the enemy knows better.

He has done this now so much I am fully aware of it.

Here is his strategy:

Waking up early, he begins his attack with moving in rebellion not wanting to wake up. The thoughts that ensue only moving me to anger, frustration, irritation into disobedience.

As I arise and move, he awaits to pounce, slipping into my prayers unannounced. As I pray for my needs, the conversation turns to why haven't you met my needs?

Then come the lies:

He doesn't care about you; He only cares about the plan for His glory.

He doesn't care about you, He wants you crucified by any means necessary.

He just wants to take more and more but is not willing to give you anything in return-only what is useful to Him. You work so hard and your situation is worse than ever.

You cant take a day off. You MUST work hard for Him. Your feelings don't matter. Why wont He work for your needs? He wants you to serve others but He wont serve you. What kind of partnership/covenant is this?

His word speak of great things for those who seek Him diligently, ask in His name etc. Why is word not manifesting in your life? He doesn't want it too because its about Him.


In my discouragement, I fall back to sleep. After all Im tired and my last words to God was that I have pushed my entire life. I cannot push anymore.

These were all my thoughts. Not thoughts that originated from me but from the enemy that I took hold of, claimed and took ownership of. In the moment I said, "he has to base his lies on a shred of truth or it wouldn't work."  This was my rationale for not fighting back. Honestly, I wanted answers for the truth it was based on.

When the smoke clears, I wake up and I come back to myself. The enemy a far off. God allowed someone to comment on a video I had made on YouTube expressing their deepfelt gratitude as they remarked "it felt like Jesus was talking to her".

The Lord knew exactly what I needed to soften my heart and bring me back to Him and the work He has for me to do in this season.

Know the enemy, your adversary, is on the prowl seeking whom he can devour. You can know your enemy well but still fall victim to his tactics.

But God!

Greater is He that is in you then He that is in the world.

Do all that you can, pray for the Lord to do what you cant.

There may be times when your armor is not on and when you fail to use your weapons that are not carnal...even though you know even in the moment you must. The fatigue and weariness has consumed you and you surrender to work being done by the enemy.

When you fall short, the Lord doesn't.

You must know that the Lord sees and knows all. He knows your limitations. He knows from dust you come and dust you will return. 

He is your ever-present help. He goes before you, fights for you and is your rear guard. He wooed you unto Himself for salvation once and He knows how to woo you back to Himself to be saved time and time again. Jesus not only leaves the 99 to go after 1, He continues to go after the one time and time again. How many times? For those that are chosen, as many times as it takes...

Trust the Lord even when you can't trust yourself.

Nothing is too hard for God, not even you.

I thank you Lord for doing what I cannot or will not. I thank you for working through my stubbornness, selfishness and rebellion. Thank you for having my back even when I don't have yours. Lord, I repent for coming into agreement with the enemy today. I know I must do better. Father, please forgive me.

From Jesus:

Jennifer, you MUST stop operating out of your feelings and emotions. His strategy has not changed. You can no longer claim ignorance. You MUST be willing to fight back. You giving more does not mean you cannot tend to what I have given you. Your effort and sacrifice does not give you permission to take breaks and rest not authorized. We have a work to do and I have paid for it with my life. Too much is given much is required. Now will you keep your focus on what is being given or on me? This has now moved into realms of unacceptability because you have the knowledge, you are hearing the promptings of the Holy Spirit telling you it is the enemy and to fight back yet you are refusing the counsel of the Holy Spirit for the counsel of the enemy. Jennifer, my love, FIGHT BACK and let us move forward into what I have planned and set apart for you and only you your entire life. Too much is at stake. You must discern the season and grow up and into the woman of God I have created you to be. 

I forgive you. Now go forth and be a blessing;) 


Question of the day

Have you allowed your fatigue and weariness of your journey give you permission to not fight back and operate in rebellion?


Get back in the fight. Do what you can in the natural and pray for God to do the supernatural.

Grow through it. Grow with Jesus. He is accepting nothing less in this season.

Proverbs  24:16

for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.

II Corinthians 10:4-6 NKJV

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.


Philippians 4

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Ephesians 6:10-12

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 


Psalm 109

A Prayer Against an Enemy
For the director of music. A psalm of David.

109 God, I praise you.
    Do not be silent.
Wicked people and liars have spoken against me;
    they have told lies about me.
They have said hateful things about me
    and attack me for no reason.
They attacked me, even though I loved them
    and prayed for them.
I was good to them, but they repay me with evil.
    I loved them, but they hate me in return.

They say about me, “Have an evil person work against him,
    and let an accuser stand against him.
When he is judged, let him be found guilty,
    and let even his prayers show his guilt.
Let his life be cut short,
    and let another man replace him as leader.
Let his children become orphans
    and his wife a widow.
10 Make his children wander around, begging for food.
    Let them be forced out of the ruins in which they live.
11 Let the people to whom he owes money take everything he owns,
    and let strangers steal everything he has worked for.
12 Let no one show him love
    or have mercy on his orphaned children.
13 Let all his descendants die
    and be forgotten by those who live after him.
14 Lord, remember how wicked his ancestors were,
    and don’t let the sins of his mother be wiped out.
15 Lord, always remember their sins.
    Then make people forget about them completely.

16 “He did not remember to be loving.
    He hurt the poor, the needy, and those who were sad
    until they were nearly dead.
17 He loved to put curses on others,
    so let those same curses fall on him.
He did not like to bless others,
    so do not let good things happen to him.
18 He cursed others as often as he wore clothes.
    Cursing others filled his body and his life,
    like drinking water and using olive oil.
19 So let curses cover him like clothes
    and wrap around him like a belt.”
20 May the Lord do these things to those who accuse me,
    to those who speak evil against me.

21 But you, Lord God,
    be kind to me so others will know you are good.
    Because your love is good, save me.
22 I am poor and helpless
    and very sad.
23 I am dying like an evening shadow;
    I am shaken off like a locust.
24 My knees are weak from fasting,
    and I have grown thin.
25 My enemies insult me;
    they look at me and shake their heads.

26 Lord my God, help me;
    because you are loving, save me.
27 Then they will know that your power has done this;
    they will know that you have done it, Lord.
28 They may curse me, but you bless me.
    They may attack me, but they will be disgraced.
    Then I, your servant, will be glad.
29 Let those who accuse me be disgraced
    and covered with shame like a coat.

30 I will thank the Lord very much;
    I will praise him in front of many people.
31 He defends the helpless
    and saves them from those who accuse them.


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