Grasping on to Faith

Published on 29 August 2024 at 15:39

I heard of this great new tool I am going to implement now and in the future. It was one preached in a sermon by Steven Furtick called reverse journaling (link below). In this exercise you write down how you would like to feel at the end of the day and then let your actions that day work toward that end. After all,  the power of life and death our on our tongues. Let me speak life over me in this moment.

My desire at this day is to feel surrendered to God. I want to look back over my day and see that I rose above every attack of the enemy; that I resisted every human urge to do the will of the Jesus; that I moved past my feelings into purpose. If I gain nothing materialistically, if there are no worldly markers of success in my day, if there is seemingly no movement in my situation, but I surrendered each moment of each day to the Lord than that alone will define my success.

I am not a weak, defeated, lost, hopeless, abused hostage.

I am made in the image of God to take dominion and rule.

I have the authority to trample over lions and serpents.

I am an heir of God and a co-heir to Christ.

I have peace with God and am reconciled to Him.

I am a new creation.

I am complete in Christ and have all I need.

I am the salt of the earth.

I am the light of the world.

I am seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus

I will walk from a place of victory and not one of defeat.

God's word will be fulfilled over my life. His promises are yes and amen. His word cannot return void. He is not a man that He should life.

I declare and decree I will have increased discernment for the enemy's voice. I will not come into agreement with it. I will be strong and vigilant to not accept it.

I will walk in the righteousness that I am of God.

I will strive to live a holy and perfect life as my God is.

I am a royal priesthood.

I will chase purpose with passion and vigor in Jesus name!!

I heard the enemy say "He can have you now. I've had you all day"

My response: Jesus always has the final say and it will ALL work for the good of those that love Him. Now get thee behind me!

From Jesus:

Return to that sense of reckless abandon you had for life and the childlike faith you had for me. Open your heart to me again, if not for us, for them. My people you need to push through so you can teach them how to. Tormented souls await you. Overcome and then teach them.

Link to Steven Furtick Sermon:

Question of the day

What are you speaking over yourself?

Who are you coming into agreement with?

Is your mind carnal or spiritual? Is your focus more on the things of this world or God?


Know there is a path back to God. Return to your first love. The long and weary battle may have hardened your heart to the Lord. The schedule changes, constant shifting, disappointments, waiting- the enemy wants to twist your perception and your focus on allowing those aspects of your journey to overshadow the joy of going away and becoming one with Jesus. Return to Him as a child to your best friend in happiness, glee and thanksgiving. He's waiting.




“Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave behind a blessing— grain offerings and drink offerings for the LORD your God.

Joel 2

Come back to God


Your walk with Christ feels awfully long
You need more breath to sing your song
Your hands hang limp down at your side
Can’t count the times each day you’ve cried

Visits to church are growing less
Your empty life’s so full of stress
The light received has grown so dim
Just like the love you felt for Him

You feel alone no friend in sight
Your life’s so dark without God’s Light
Your troubled heart is full of pain
You need God’s Son to come again

Down on your knees you’ll beat the foe
With humble heart say God hello
The words will come when once you kneel
So tell the Lord just how you feel

Have trust in God suffer no loss
No-more is Jesus on the cross
As Christ foretold again He’d rise
He’ll vanquish sin and open eyes

Allow God’s Spirit come to you
His Holy Flame will make you new
You thought He’d come to you before
Yet still He’s knocking at your door

God’s truth can now be yours and mine
Salvation’s more than bread and wine
God’s Holy Ghost who comes from high
Is ours to help the lost who die

Return; through Jesus’ blood and might
Within His strength you’ll win the fight
The Flame once felt will God restore
With love that leads through Heaven’s door.


Michael P. Johnson

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