The Light

Published on 30 August 2024 at 12:02

Last night, after making those declarations, speaking the word over myself, and surrendering to the Lord afresh. I woke up this morning feeling so light and full of joy. I mean I have strength, clarity, energy and a refreshing that I haven't felt in a while. I should not be surprised.

The word says, after you have suffered a little while, the Lord himself will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish us-1 Peter 5:10.

The Lord's word made manifest in my life.

Today, the Lord sits me down and the teaching begins. What did you learn Jennifer?

"That at key pivotal moments of your life, the enemy will oppress you to get you to move out of position, far outside of the will of God. He does this with a bombardment of thoughts, they stir up extreme emotions coupled with spiritual warfare to afflict the body that you can feel in your flesh to get you to move impulsively blinded by emotion that you concede to your own understanding and move out of position. This is how He uses you as an instrument of sin."-Me

The Lord told me this morning, now go teach your brothers and sisters and tell them to teach their brothers and sisters."

Today I feel hopeful, excited, and back in harmony with the Lord. I feel light and why shouldn't I? After all, I am the light of the world. I felt so dark because I had come into agreement with their works.

It's interesting to see that God has it all under His control. The Lord knows exactly what He is doing in our situations.

I told the Lord, He can use me. I gave my life to Him. So, if He wants to use my life to teach me for me and for others, so be it.

I am convinced the Lord has my back. He just wants us to know it.

I truly believe what changed that situation was inviting the Lord in to help me.

The Lord is like the star player on the team who doesn't really need the team but enjoys the team sport so now builds and supports everyone else. When we are in need, He's calling for the ball. He wants to be tagged in all while we insist on doing it ourselves.

Until we learn how to invite Him in and stand in our authority, we will continue to get trampled over by the enemy who we should be trampling over.

Yes, the weapons formed against you will not prosper but as we know there are many that fall away from the faith, and we never did hear from the rich young ruler again. Many are called few, FEW are chosen. 

The Lord is my God, and I am His daughter. 

So tonight, knowing that, I will sleep well.

From Jesus:

Keep moving forward. I know much of this you don't understand. You have experienced way more than most Christians. It is because the call on your life is so heavy. Let others judge you. They will never understand the depths that I have taken you to, to form you. Even now, you see that as a result, you are not the same Jennifer. You have arrived at where I have always wanted you to be-keen discernment, guarding your heart, protecting yourself, bold and confident, speaking truth. And if you went back to that old place (private-between me and you), you would murder that place! I'm proud of what you have endured and it's only up from here. Keep going. There's more-way more.


Question of the day?

In your moments of crisis, are you tapping the Lord and inviting Him in to fight the battle for you? Or are you trying to fight the battle yourself?

Give it all to Jesus: praise and worship Him, pray, speak the word, use the power of your tongue to declare and decree. Speak life over yourself. Stand immovable in the face of the enemy thru Jesus Christ.

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