Stepping into the New

Published on 2 September 2024 at 11:15

The new has arrived. Things are changing and opening up. 

I can see God moving strategically to position me, bring people into my life, prepare me for this next phase.

I see what once seemed like ruins, then an empty space, now being built up once again.

I felt delays, wandering in circles and stagnancy for so long. It is refreshing to see movement.

It is as though the Lord is telling me now, the old has passed away and the new is upon you.

What a breath of fresh air.

What do I believe unlocked it?


I have been trying and failing at a major step God was asking me to do the past few years but more heavily in the last year.

Our merciful God led me to a new strategy, again and with His grace and support of others, I am moving through it.

Some things cant move until we move.

The only we elevate is if we do what is required to take us to the next step. But first we must complete the step we are on. 

If things are stagnant in your life, reflect on if God has given you a step to take. Reflect on what steps you can take that are within the will of God.

You cannot bypass the Lords instructions. Many of them are not because God is saying "well if you don't do this, I wont do that". No, it is because the only way to do that is through this.

Our God is an active God on the move creating. It's what He does. If His spirit is in you, then why aren't you?

Move on the step. Pursue the more in Jesus and watch breakthrough occur.

If this is a "be still" season, you can still see the more of Him by spending more time with Him. Ask Him how. If you don't hear from Him, expand your devotion time.

Reading Christian literature


Prayer walks


Putting on instrumental worship music, getting lost in His presence.

Praise, worship, fast, prayer, reading scripture, speak in tongues

Healing work (The Wonderful counselor exercise on this website). Therapy with a professional is a great tool as well as they can help you work through trauma and soul wounds.

Reading books that help deal what issues you have, i.e. relational issues, control, stress, forgiveness, grief etc. 

Always inviting Jesus in so He can teach along with.

Let's be intentional with the Lord and move forward into all that He has for us.

You have sacrificed, suffered, stretched, been tested, rejected and hurt for this. Now go after it because IT IS YOURS FOR THE TAKING.

From Jesus:

It is because you moved. Moving requires faith. I am moved by your faith. Continue Jennifer, to move in faith. No matter how big or small the task is, do it knowing that I am with you. The next step is coming. Be ready for it. Say yes. Let your heart posture be one that says yes. For you that are struggling, move fearlessly throughout this life. Move as I move. Let us become one. Trust not in yourself but have faith in me. I will not let you down. I will be with you. There is nothing you can do apart from me  but ALL things are possible through me.


Question of the day?

Are you walking in step with God or have you slowed down or stopped because of fear or weariness?

Get back up and keep going!! You are too close now to stop! Take the next step of faith with the Lord. This is your time, and He will not disappoint.

Quit Trying and Trust

By Rodger Moyer

May 1, 2021

We believe in God Who created heaven and earth.

We believe in God Who gave stars and moons their birth.

We believe in God with Whom nothing is impossible.

We believe in God Who is holy, loving, and with Him, that all things are possible.

We believe in God Who is always faithful and unchanging.

We believe God is in control of this world and is reigning.

We believe God’s will always come through.

We believe God’s mercies everyday are new.

We believe God’s grace is sufficient for all our need.

We believe God can comfort the sick, the hurting, and set us free indeed.

We believe God can convict sinners that are lost.

We believe God can bring us through though temptation tossed.

We believe God can forgive all our sin and give us new life.

We believe God for answered prayer in the midst of strife.

We believe God for the healing of our bodies.

We believe God takes nobodies and make them somebodies.

We believe God is pleased by the faith we are bringing.

We believe God is rejoicing over His children with glorious singing.

We believe God transforms us into His image.

We believe in a God we can know, what a precious privilege.

Then why can’t we believe God can cleanse our hearts from original sin?

Why can’t we believe Him to change us completely within?

Why can’t we believe He can truly make all things new?

Why can’t we believe in victory over temptation each day through?

And why do we continue to try getting rid of our sinfulness on our own?

Why do we continue to try getting victory over the sinful attitudes shown?

Why do we not trust God to make our hearts right?

Why don’t we let Him turn this darkness into light?

Maybe it’s because we don’t truly believe in God’s power to do it.

Maybe it’s because we like our sin too much to be through with it.

Maybe it’s because we don’t believe the promises of God’s Word are true.

That faithful is He Who calls us Who will this work do.

Oh friends, let us quit trying and trust Him,

To break the habits and cleanse from all sin?

Why not trust Him to take away whatever it might be,

The anger, the pride, the lust, and set us free?

Will you stop trying to change your own soul?

Will you stop trying to make yourself whole?

Will you stop trying to make excuse for who you are and what you do,

And let Jesus cleanse you, fill you, through and through?

So, go back and read the first five paragraphs of this poem,

And understand and believe God for this blessing and not try it alone.

For the same God, the same blood, the same Spirit, has given the call,

For He can give us pure hearts, make us holy, oh just give your all!

Yes, we will still be human with all the infirmities and flaws,

But with holy motives to guide us, His glory continually our cause.

So, go ahead, and just trust Him now, trust Him today,

And you will experience the more excellent way.

You will be filled with love like never before.

You will be filled with victorious power over the inward war.

You’ll know a peace that passes all understanding.

A peace and love you will always find expanding.

So why not trust and pray with all your heart,

And die to sin and believe, for that is your part?

And to humbly trust and before Him bow,

And say, “O Lord, do the work in me now!”

Don’t just believe that God can do all the rest,

And not believe Him to make our hearts their very best.

Loving others and Him with all you are and can.

Today, tomorrow, let this faith in Him never end.

May I live and die with this message on my heart!


Don't let the opinions of men stop you. It's not between you and them but you and God.

Do it Anyway — Mother Teresa

 People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind,
people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful,
you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank,
people may cheat you.
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight.
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today,
people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have,
and it may never be enough.
Give the best you've got anyway.

You see,
in the final analysis it is between you and God ;
it was never between you and them anyway.

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