The "off" Feeling.

Published on 3 September 2024 at 16:14

The truth about myself is...

This is a great exercise to really go in and explore what is there, what you have not had a chance to or have been refusing to face. It's an opportunity for you to bring it into light, expose it and work through it. Then you can invite Jesus in for clarity, truth, comfort and strategy. These also can become your prayer points.

So, what is the truth about me? I'm feeling disheveled, off.

The magnitude and complexity all of the different things that God is working in my life all at the same time will leave your head spinning. And these are only the things I am aware of.

It is the finishing touches on the entire package in which everything is being touched all while going into deeper levels of consecration while expanding and moving into the new season.

Once when I feel like I'm being stretched enough there is more. Today, I broke down in tears because the ask was yet another stretch that I just didn't feel like I had the capacity for.

How much more God? How much can one person handle?

I know there's much to do and little time to do it in.

I'm trying best to keep up.

But my heart is still sick from hope deferred.

Too many thoughts; too many voices. Is it satan and his traps or is it God? I am just being fleshly and carnal or did I really hear God right?

And my body in many ways is weary and exhausted.

What feels like a hamster wheel that I have been on has gone on far too long. And now we have picked up the momentum and it is much.

I am left in the moment fantasizing escape with no possibility.

So here am I just here. Waiting to follow the next instruction. 

Moment by moment, day by day at God's command.

A servant in chains, a prisoner in Christ until I get to heaven.

From Jesus:

It wont be long now. Much of the anxiety that you are experiencing are my feelings for what is about to occur in your life. It is joy, elation, excitement with great expectation. The buzz around you is heavy. All of creation awaits the revealing of God children. Like a Father on His daughter's wedding day or sending His daughter to prom there are many emotions present. You are feeling mine. It's been such a long road Jennifer, and you have made it. It's time Jennifer!! Rejoice. You deserve it. Congratulations!!


Question of the day?

Have you examined the truth about yourself and invited Jesus into respond?

He is waiting for you to slow down, rest and reflect. There are things He wants to explain to you and to help you navigate. He wants to love on you and comfort you and help you see your way through.

Psalm 139:23-24


23 Search me, God, and know my heart;

    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.


2 Corinthians 1:20

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

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