
Published on 21 September 2024 at 13:00

You know, revelation is the solution to many of our problems.

If we could only be privied to what God knows.

If we could only see even a glimpse of what God sees,

it would help us understand our current situations- past, present and future.

Revelation can come in God's whispers to the soul that lets you in on what God is doing in your life.

How did it just for me happen?

A deposit made in my spirit that I awakened too.

It is meeting God with this, as Oprah (not that I watch or follow her or condone her teachings) calls it, An "Ahh-Hah" moment.

The Lord doesn't always reveal His motives, intentions initially. Sometimes it is after the experience, in the midst of more experiences, that He gives you understanding and clarity.

I've noticed you often times extract more fruit in this way as you get to explore in real-time what's in your heart and your response played out right before your eyes.

I have been saying all along that I have gotten comfortable and knew the Lord was going to shake things up for me to get me back in the space where growth and development can take place- discomfort.

I just didn't know how until I was deep in the midst of uncomfortable situations.

My response, as you can see from yesterday's post, not so good.

Did I pass the test? I would say just barely a C-. This is letter grade that screams you are on the border line but through my grace and mercy you made it through. However, there is serious work needed to be done.

When the Lord revealed to me what He was doing, it wasn't in a long sit-down conversation. In a moment I knew. The deposit was made and I understood.

I just would like to do better during the test. But in this moment, I know I have undergone test and trials that Im not even aware of. All of them, know or unknown, whether passed or failed all are under the hand of my Heavenly Father and He is using them to teach me and grow me into what he has in store for me.

I just don't do well with change and need to add that to my prayers.

For now, with the change that has been given, with my new understanding, I rise valiantly to the challenge and am willing to go where men and women of God won't go and where I was concerned with going. 

I am willing to accept all of the criticism and hate that comes along with it.

What do I have to lose- people I don't have, fickle approval, wavering support?

What do I have to gain? Being pleasing unto the Lord.

I'll choose the latter any day.

It is not always easy or comfortable being the Lord's tool, weapon, vessel, general, but as long as I am His, I'm exactly where I want to be.

From Jesus:

Im going to get you there kicking and screaming if I have too because I know where you deserve to be, where I've created you to be. It will require you to step out of what you are not and trust and embrace where I am taking you. Let me. Do not fight me. Trust me when it gets hard. I have allowed it to be that way for purpose. Stay with it long enough to see what that purpose is. I love you and you should know by now to trust me but also, it's time to trust yourself. You can do it or I wouldn't have called you to it.


Question of the day

How do you handle sudden changes or shifts in your walk with God?

How do you deal with increased intensity, demand, discomfort in your walk?

Do not allow your heart to turn cold and away from God. Seek God for revelation on what He is doing.

It never serves you to remain in a place of comfort for longer than necessary. it will only produce stagnancy and death.

Join in on what God is doing with you today.

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