The Attack

Published on 25 September 2024 at 11:25

Are you sensitive to the attack?

Do you know when you under attack from the enemy?

For some, the enemy has launched a full out assault on you, and you have not perceived it.

This is the exact agenda of the enemy- if you cannot perceive what He is doing than you will not stand nor fight against what He is doing.

The tactic of the enemy is to deceptively, covertly attack you so you do not notice. To pair with the attack, he will try to distract you and consume your focus, so you don't notice. He will then come for your prayer life and intimacy with Jesus. 

You will find yourself feeling anxious, tired, overwhelmed. Here comes the spirit of lethargy and depression. You feel heavy in your body and just want relief and escape.

This allows the enemy to continue freely and unobstructed in His assault as you are not paying attention and are also not seeking the Lord intensely.

For many, God is requiring more of your time, and you are wondering why.

It is because the enemy has engaged you. You are under attack, and He needs to grab your attention and get you to defend yourself.

Is He waking you up earlier? Is He asking for more of your free time? Do you feel like you can't chill like you use to because He is desiring more?

These are alarms the Lord is sounding to let you know that it is time to get on the wall and stand watch. Put on your armor and war.

But the enemy, in attack mode, will cause you to believe the Lord is just greedy, to get you to turn on and from the Lord because of the increased demand.

When Jesus places more of a demand on you, it is always with purpose. It is always to stir you into forward movement. It is up to you to seek Him to determine what that forward movement entails- out of the grips of the enemy, steps forward into destiny- Only God knows.

Do not ignore the invitation from Jesus to come to Him. There is purpose to it and that purpose is crucial to your well-being, growth and development.

Say yes and trust Him. It is for your own good.

From Jesus-

You don't need more rest. You need more prayer, worship and communion. Go deeper into the more I am asking of you without question. The closer you get to the blessings, abundant life and revealing of the treasure that is you, the more protection that you will need. Call on it right now and get covered under the protection of heaven.



Question of the day?

Have you notice increased difficulties in some areas of your life AND the Lord desiring more time AND a resistance to give it to Him?

Think it not strange. The enemy is at work!!

The answer is Jesus! Partner with Him. Defend yourself. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what is going on and how to combat it.

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