Who is this God we serve?

Published on 24 September 2024 at 10:32

I sit in awe of who God is and how He works.

How He speaks to us. How he speaks to others. The ongoing conversation in the world.

How He moves in and through me. How He moves in and through others. How He is moving throughout the world.

He has a will for all of humanity, for the cosmos across time, across generations that is always unfolding, being revealed and manifesting.

The fact that he uses us to be a part of that as individuals to work together as a collective to join in on the conversation and movement to have His will done here on earth amazes me.

I have come to understand that I am a small piece of the puzzle.

I am a part of a larger plan.

It is bigger than me or any one individual and the Lord has hand selected many to be a part of it.

It is invitation to what he is doing at large.

This allows me to seek God and surrender to a part of what He is already doing, seek and align with others to see how is moving with them, listen for the sound of God to pick up his movement and flow with as a community.

Out of sync with my brother or sister in Christ, out of sync with the greater movement of God within the entire body of Christ through the world is a limited lens that will keep you limited in your self focus.

God wants you to expand your vision from the micro view of self to a macro view across space, time and people to participate in what He is doing.

This will require you to open up, expose yourself to the more. This will require you using a broader range of sight, hearing, smell, touch and even taste that invites your spiritual senses and discernment to be activated.

Just what is God up to? You will need to tune in to find out.

The invitation today goes out to you to come out of your limited perception to embrace a wider perception; to come out of yourself into the beyond.

Come out from behind closed doors, engage other people, pay attention and listen for God.

What is He up to? Get into that. Get into His rhythm and flow not as a one-man band but as a symphony of His instruments for His use.

From Jesus-

Emerge, step out. If you don't trust them, trust Me. I will lead you and guide you. There are people I need you to meet and connect with. These people are your destiny helpers. You must come out to meet them. Listen for me and go with them. Go with my flow. COME OUT Jennifer. I will be with you.

Question of the day?

Will you come out of yourself and become a part of the greater movement God is doing?

Can you honestly evaluate your life and consider that you may be living in ways that are self-focused and keep you isolated?

God will isolate you for a period of time from the world but after a time He wants to release you into the kingdom with others. Will you let Him?

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