The Flow

Published on 2 October 2024 at 08:41

Desiring be in God's flow.

I do not want to engage in anything that will cut me off from the flow of God.

God is working to build and establish in my life. 

I need to partner with Him, submit and surrender to Him so I am in His flow.

I see how much He is working in every aspect of my life from diet, relationships, character and conduct, ministry, finances, family, education, etc.

I cannot afford at this time to be out of sync with Him.

There is no better feeling than to be in alignment with the Lord doing the difficult things He has instructed us to do, living by faith, being an ambassador of Christ, adhering to His word, and maintaining spiritual disciplines.

Not that we do this with perfection but striving for it.

The more I obey and act on His instruction whether it be a step given to me directly or a whisper to my soul that says go, the more things are opening up for me.

It as though God is laying out each step in every area of my life and I need to take that step so the next step may be revealed.

The more I submit and obey, the more of the picture of the puzzle that is my life is being revealed. I am beginning now to see what God is putting together and it is an exciting time for me.

Ahhhh, to be in the flow of the Holy Spirit-unrestricted, without hinderance. Finally.

Was it me all along or God's timing? Maybe both.

I just know God has great things planned for me.

I am hopeful about this new season, new love, new friendships, new family dynamic, new ministry so much so that I want to leave behind all that was and start afresh.

I am not the same. I am healed, whole, trained, loved and ready to proceed in the things of God.

Lord, I let go of all that was attached to my old life. I release it all to you. You decide what stays and what goes. My life is in your hands. I am open to who and what you want to bring me. Keep me in step with your Spirit Lord. Show me the way.

From Jesus: Remain in this fashion and you will see my work on display. I am coming through for you in ways unimagined. You have given much to me Jennifer. Wait to see how much I give in return.

Question of the day

Are you in God's flow?

Is your heart softened/hardened to Jesus?

Are you seeking and obeying each step of the Lord?

Each moment matters. Don't let the enemy fool you. Get into God's flow.


24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

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