Not the Same, Forever Changed

Published on 4 October 2024 at 20:02

I have come to realize that I am no longer the same.

I truly am a new creature in Christ.

Sometimes God will give you an experience of the old just so you can see how far you have come and that you are no longer there.

I am so far removed from my past.

There was such a dissonance, such a gap, such a far reach from what was to what is.

I am whole, healed and at peace.

I love myself today, what I have become and am proud of the work God Has been doing in me.

I am doing my best to love and serve God and His people; being an active part in the life of my family, honoring the call on my life and who God has called me too and stepping out of my old identity into my new one in Him.

My recent experience confirmed the decision I made and all decisions to follow were all for my ultimate good.

Untangled from the mess, I am to see clearly.

When God takes you through a process to clean you up, you don't want to get back dirty again.

You are in your royal clothes in which you feel regal. Not in a way that makes you feel better than, simply assured of who you are, who you are not and what you will never be again.

Having a recent experience with my past has allowed me to see the door is forever closed and I never want to open it again. That girl once entangled in a swarm of toxicity and insecurity has opened her eyes to the poison she was being fed daily and is more determined than ever to be nourished from the living water and bread of life.

I am encouraged. I feel as though God has allowed me to see behind the curtain one last time to shut the door permanently because He has a new door for me to walk through. The new is coming. I can feel it and will embrace it as I embrace Christ.

With this new experience it has allowed me to rest in God. I trust Him. I want to give Him time- time to do whatever He needs to do, more time with Him, devoted to His work and to bring me into the new.

It's just me and God now, God and me. This is my new life. I consider my old life nothing in comparison to the new life God has for me.

There is an old rejected, insecure, people pleasing, self-destructive, needy, irresponsible, mean, self serving version of me that has died. A new Jennifer has emerged and is going full throttle into what and who God has for me and in deeper intimacy with Him.

Think it not strange if God allows your past to revisit in some way, shape or form. He may just be revealing the mirage that is no longer so you can move confidently into your destiny with Him.

From Jesus:

You have caught the lesson. You needed to see their heart with new eyes. What I have for you, you cannot go back, not even in your heart. I want you to move forward with no door even available to turn back too. Get excited about your future. It is upon you.


Question of the day

Have you settled into the new creature you are in Christ?

You may need to go back in your mind to what was so you can close the door on it for good. This action will help you move forward with the new the Lord has for you today,

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