The Rebrand

Published on 13 October 2024 at 15:19

Today I had a choice to make.

It was clear that I had options and that neither one would be bad nor good, just simply a decision to be made as I was short on time.

I chose God. 

And in this time, it felt as though God chose me.

He revealed to me my next steps, helped me to understand my current situation, overall what His plan was and my role to play in it in this phase of my life.

In my stillness in Him, in His presence, were exactly where the answers I had been looking for were and where He told me they would be- in the more.

The more I am willing to give of myself to Him, the more He is giving of Himself to me- His wisdom, access to His power and resources of heaven and His peace, calm and rest.

What I gave up to be with Him was once an idol and I would have never thought twice about choosing it having free choice. To know that today, I was sensitive and aware of the state of my spirit. I cared enough about it to not want it to remain in that state. I knew it needed Jesus. 

Before I would have cared less and fed the flesh but today, I wanted to tend to it.

In doing so I got even more than I imagined I would.

I know now what direction I am going in. As the enemy kept trying to sow seeds of not knowing, being lost and a wanderer, the Holy Spirit would not accept it and kept reminding. "no you are none of things as I explained it all to you earlier."

I must continue now more than ever to tend to my spirit man, lay my flesh down, and to choose God.

I want to be with Him, worship Him and enjoy the happenings in heaven for all eternity.

I want that to not be one day in heaven but to show Him now that I want to be with Him, worship Him and enjoy all the happenings in His Kingdom.

Maybe then, like Enoch, I will be no more.

From Jesus:

What does that look like Jennifer to you-to be taken up?

Me: to go to heaven.

Jesus: Let your day to day in me be indicative of one that wants to go away with me and in that moment, I will take you.


Question of the day

Are you in hot pursuit of Jesus?

Are you tending to and nurturing your spirit man?

Keep watch over your heart, soul and spirit. When they are in desperate need, don't feed the flesh, feed and nurture them by the bread of life and living water and watch your life begin to change.

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