This morning the Lord led me to watch a video on consistency.
I had a visceral response to the video in which I couldn't stand to listen to it and turned it off.
This triggered me in many ways that I want to work through in real time with the Lord to understand myself more and move as God desires, as one who is committed to consistency.
I can admit that it is an area of my life that I struggle with.
Several reasons that led to a major one, that the Holy Spirit is revealing to me as I type:
Military experience
Raising children/family
which all led to commitments I couldn't escape.
I wasn't working toward a dream. I was working towards what had to be done so that everyone else could thrive.
I often was sad and envied even resented those that had dreams as I felt trapped in reality.
Dreaming for me was a luxury. In fact, a luxury that was detrimental to me surviving my reality; therefore, dangerous.
My secret dream was to be at peace.
Holy Spirit:
Your issue was that you thought your dream was to be happy which you originally wanted to type but upon further reflection, you realized it was peace.
Because you only considered happiness as your dream, it was never attainable and always illusive as the state of being happy is a temporary state.
Now when you say that your dream is peace, let's explore that because it was then and still is. This exploration will help us crack the code that will help us today and moving forward.
The reason why you had to turn away and even abandon your dream of peace is because you looked at your external environment, your home, people, work, finances, demands. location, etc. and determined that they were not conducive to peace failing to realize the agenda of the enemy was to use those things to create disharmony, disruption, chaos, disturbance- the antithesis of peace.
It was NOT that those things in and of themselves lacked peace. It was your perception of those things and how you chose to respond.
Peace was always unavailable to you because you depended on what was outside of you to make way for you to behold it. When it, they, didn't, you said "this thing or person is robbing me of my peace".
My question to you is, how is it even available for them to take?
If it is available for it or them to take, the enemy then knows he can access it at will, and he did.
The only reason why you began to experience peace in your life was not because you removed yourself from people, environments, damands that lacked peace or were not conducive to peace,
it was because you DECIDED you were going to live in a state of peace and refused to allow yourself to be moved.
You worked on getting yourself, mind, body and spirit, soul into a settled placed in Me and it became to precious and valuable for you to allow anyone access to it.
You began to see yourself as someone that was worthy of it. You prioritized your peace and well being over the fickle, unreliable feelings and emotions of others.
There was a power in that that you accessed.
It raises you above the piranhas that are after that power amidst the gathering of unawakened individuals who are desperately trying to hold onto it all while simply giving their power away unknowingly.
See what is happening is that the enemy feeds on that power. He allows you enough space to harness it and then once when he sees you have gathered enough, he tries to take it. He doesn't take it right away, he tries because in this tactic the wrestling as you try to hold on to it is a way to torment you as you struggle. Then he delivers the blow that takes it completely, subduing you. It leaves you dry and empty and like a blog, he has consumed your light and is well fed. Now you are only left with darkness. You are now his and he relaxes because you are on his resonant frequency completely subdued.
After you have suffered enough, I pull you out. he waits for you to fill up only so he can attack and consume again.
Why do I allow this? What am I trying to teach you?
That peace comes from within.
I am the God of peace.
I am within you.
No one can take Me in you.
They can only distract you from Me and move your heart, soul and being away from Me.
How do you remain in peace? Remain in Me.
See the agenda of the enemy- to separate you from a state of peace; to separate you from Me.
Don't let Him.
How does he do this? Through your perception of the external to give you peace. "It" cannot give it you. If you believe "it" can then "it" will also have the power to take it from you.
Resolve to being connected to the Peace that resides in you. Abide in it. Refuse to be taken out of it. Retain your power to stay within Me and you cut the strings of the enemy.
This is why people are so enamored by you. Jennifer, you don't understand why. Why have they been coming to you recently and telling you they want to be like you or that they love that you stay positive and not in drama?
Let me explain. They are noticing that you have risen above and are outside the reach of the enemy.
They don't understand how you remain out of the pigpen and remain clean on the farm.
They see an inaccessibility, a self-control, an impenetrable fortress that comes from a wisdom, discernment. a confidence of self. a knowing of who you are and who you are not and a commitment to that.
They are looking for your strings and you have cut them. They are in awe because they didn't know that was possible.
The enemy now is using them and others to reattach those strings. Don't let him. You notice as you attach yourself to people, you attach yourself to what they are connected to. It is a pathway for the spirit operating in them to operate in you. Do not allow pathways to be established. Remain at a distance.
Remember Jesus did not entrust Himself to man because He knew what was in their hearts. Learn to be in the midst of others but not subject to coming under the control, manipulation and power of others.
Recognize you are an iron pillar, a fortified city, a bronze wall. Stand impenetrable with your heart fully guarded. Close your spirit Jennifer and keep it closed.
Keep your eyes open and your wit about you.
The enemy is using every possible means to reattach the strings so he can begin to puppeteer you in ways he has in the past. Don't let him!! Remain unattached. Stay outside of his reach. Float, rise, ascend above the chaos. Remain elusive. Remain In Me.
The dream of peace is accessible, but only through Me- the God of peace.
It is not out there in a man, family, purpose, home, finances, location, friendships, appearances.
Those things are subject to change. I AM not.
When your peace is found in Me, peace is forever yours.
Today, peace is available to you.
The dream is yours to live in.
The dream is Me.
Commit to that.
Be consistent in that.
What is the dream? Your truest heart's desire.
I gave you that. It is Me.
Yesterday, today and forever more, I give you that. I give you Me.
Why is this lesson important for you?
Because the move I am asking you to make, your response is no. It is resistant and hesitant because you are looking at all of the external factors and are saying that there is no way you can have peace. In fact, you were happy to leave because you felt as those the dream of peace was finally possible. You were removed so you can become cemented in peace, in Me. Now that you have that, wherever you go, you no longer have to look for peace and settle there- you have become Peace. Wherever you go, is where peace is.
Now go forth and be a blessing; the blessing of Peace.
Question of the day
Are the strings of the enemy used to puppeteer you cut or still attached? Who or what is still able to move you?
Is your heart guarded?
Is your spirit closed?
Go within, meet Jesus there and shut the door behind you. Then go forth so that you can move in God and continue moving forward in the Lord as an impenetrable force that is cemented in the fortress and refuge of the Lord.
People don't come into your fortress in Christ so they have the opportunity come in and wreak havoc (the devil longs for that secret place).
Your job is to show them what that looks like, be the model and then show them how to receive and locate Christ in them. They then go out and do the same for others.
This is how we make disciples not of ourselves, not of men but disciples of Christ.
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
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