The Importance of the Step

Published on 7 December 2024 at 16:04

The step the Lord places in front of you does not go away.

God does not waste a moment of your life nor a step.

If He is asking you to take a step, it is because it is needed on your path to destiny.

We have no idea what our destiny entails but the Alpha and Omega has seen it all.

I am learning today, now more than ever, not to take lightly the step, nor to take it for granted.

Leaning on my own understanding, my own wants and desires, my own perception of my ability and capacity is a mistake and serves to be a hinderance to the move of God in my life.

You can hesitate, resist, not do, ignore, halfheartedly take the step but it never goes away.

Why would it?

God has decided it is crucial for your journey and is the reason why He gave you the instruction.

Again, our God is not a God of waste but of order and specificity.

What I don't want to do has kept me tucked neatly in a box, safely underneath the glass ceiling never quite breaking through.

I MUST Break through!!

I want to see her.

I want to see what God sees.

I MUST take the steps.

No matter how uncomfortable, foreign, difficult, ambiguous, uncertain it may seem, I must do what God ask because it never goes away. It merely comes back around like a boomerang and if you're not paying attention, it will knock you right upside the head.

As I take these not so pleasant steps, more is ALWAYS revealed on the other side.

As I dismiss steps, trouble only arises in the step I choose, as the one that God has released will not take second place. It's almost as though the step itself has life and refuses to be ignored. It merely comes back around, resurfaces refusing to remain unseen and not taken.

God has a plan for my life and there are very practical things that I take for granted. Upon revelation, I realize the necessity of every instruction to prepare me for what He has in store for me.

And I know it's big.

I believe in the great deposit God has placed in me.

I believe in the treasure God placed within my very being He now wants exposed.

I believe that the demand of exactly what I do not believe I can do or want to do is the very exact thing that will generate enough pressure to produce the diamond which is why satan fights so hard to turn me off and away from the demand.

I'm going for it. What do I have to lose.

Is it all too much? Why is there something else added when I don't know how to accomplish what's given in 24 hours? I have little to no resources, why is more being asked of me? How can I when I have never?

Where? How?

All questions whom in this moment fall to the floor like gravity just was released from them.

I simply must.

I trust the Holy Spirit and I will do what He says.

If it works out, great. If it doesn't, ok.

My success is not in the outcome but in the obedience.

Am I God's or am I not?

I am His to do as He wishes.

I MUST continue to surrender afresh and remember God is for me. We are a team, and we are doing this together.

Whatever He is asking me to do is for my greatest good, a response to my prayers and will lead to the fulfillment of my heart's desire.

I have faith. I believe, but I need to trust God.

My heavenly Father who wants me to return back to His original design of me and become all that He created me to be.

If I want the same, and I do, I MUST be obedient and follow the step, each and everyone. Not taking any for granted.

Lord help me to obey.


You have to learn to trust me. Whatever I tell you to do, you can do and will do. I am giving you baby steps to what ultimately you will be doing on a level far bigger than you can ever imagine. Greatness is in you, release it! Let your voice travel across the airwaves and slice through the kingdom of darkness. Release what's in you. You only have to do as I say and know if I am telling you to do it, YOU CAN. What you can do with Me is far greater than what you could ever do in your own strength. Let me show you. GOOOO! Run and don't stop. I am leading you and will carry you just when you need it. You got this and I got you. Now let's go forth together and be a blessing.

Question of the day

Have you done all God has asked you to do?

Is there a step that you may have brushed off and failed to do?

Your future could be waiting on the destiny step God has asked you to take. He can't release you into the thing unless you are properly prepared for it. He is a good Father and wants to ensure you can handle the weight and magnitude of the position He is bringing you into. Trust Him. No matter how large or small, take the step.


Psalm 37:23

The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.

Proverbs 14:12

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death.

Proverbs 16:9

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

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