Trusting the Process

Published on 27 December 2024 at 14:08

As I approach this upcoming year, I am nowhere close to where I thought I would be; yet in still I am exactly where I need to be and oddly enough where I want to be.

As we close out this holiday season, I have been so grateful that my prayers have been answered.

I am free- free in Christ.

I am authentically and genuinely myself.

I have little to no responsibility.

I wake up to God and go to bed to God.

The only work I have to do is to follow God as I surrender and partner with Him to work on me.

I have been the priority this year.

All of my time, effort and energy has been directed on healing, recovering and revealing me.

This came at a heavy cost, but the cost of not paying it would have been death to my heart, body and soul, my true identity and destiny. 

What was on the line-inner peace, truth, love, sanity, destiny.

Following God as He strips you, refines you is not an easy process.

Coming out of the world and its system is much harder than you would imagine.

You think you know what it entails until God reveals to you. It's not just on you, it's in you.

You must not only let go and release, but you must also detox from what has permeated your very cells.

More and more each day, the Lord is stripping more of the world from me.

I have had a visceral response at times.

Anger, sadness, mourning and grief, joy and elation have all been on the path to liberation.

I don't like the "no" in the moment or the failure to get things to work or the closed door seemingly slammed in my face,

but through it all I understand that God is in control of it all and when it is His time, He will show you the earth and the fullness thereof belongs to Him.

I've had phones shut down, computers not working, rejection left and right, all as God's way of saying this is not the way.

What I wasn't prepared for was coming out of things I didn't know I was attached to it. It physically hurt to come out of them.

Control, the need to know beyond the moment, electronics, social media, noise and external stimuli, certain types of workouts, talking, hurried productivity-the list goes on and on.

Change has not been easy for me.

Healing has not been easy for me.

Addressing deep hurts and insecurities has not been easy for me.

Seeing the truth of my own reflection and making changes has not been easy for me.

Overcoming fears and stepping out in boldness and courage has not been easy for me.

None of it has been easy for me, but it was all necessary and it got me to where I am today.

This year has been the hardest year of my life, but each time I surrendered and trusted God, it got a little bit easier.

I am nowhere near where I thought I would be but seeing the woman I am today, I am on the path of becoming who I never thought I could be- Me.

Jennifer, one with Jesus.

Is there any better way to enter into the New Year?

I truly do love Him with all my mind, heart and soul.

I have followed wherever He has led me.

I sought out His kingdom and righteousness first above all else.

I denied myself and took up my cross.

I left all for Him.

I sought Him diligently.

What happens when someone does this?

Well, were still in the process of finding out, but I know what you get in the meantime and that is Christ Himself and for now that's enough.

I won't allow myself to go backwards.

I won't allow anyone or anything to take me back to what was.

I have come to far and know I have even further to go.

Each day no matter how difficult it is, I am trusting the process knowing that it is meant to bring out the best version of me for Gods use and glory.

God, I trust you. Have your way.

From Jesus:

Keep moving forward. We are not done yet. Get through these last few things and there are some wonderful surprises waiting for you. I know what's on the other side. This is why it is ok, if we go through difficulty and challenges now. New life is just sitting on the other side and you are so close you can feel it. You are almost there, Jennifer. Keep going. Soon you'll be living it and my work in this season will be complete. Just dont forget about me or all that I have taught you.




Question of the day?

Have you reflected on your journey?

You may not be where you thought you would be at the end of 2024, but aren't you proud of who you become?

Thank the Lord for the journey and press into the more.

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