Community Outreach

SOLO- Serving Our Loved Ones is a non-profit organization that serves as the outreach component for Follow God ministries. Here, we believe that it only takes one to go out and serve another treating each person as if they were one of our loved ones, therefore making them our loved one.

AT SOLO, we are dedicated to going out into deepest, darkest recesses of our city to bring the church to those who would never step into one. As the body of Christ, we understand how the power of building loving relationships coupled with prayer invites the opportunity for a miracle to take place.

We depend on donations from those within and outside of the organization to provide toiletries, sack lunches, waters, clothing, shoes that serve  physical needs and provides the open door to meet their spiritual needs, with bibles, prayer and an invitation to salvation.

If you are interested, there are opportunities to preach, evangelize, teach, intercede, lead worship and just love on another.

Join us in the Great Commission of making disciples by coming in person to donate your time by joining our meet up group @

Los Angeles Christian Evangelistic Outreach Meetup Group | Meetup

or feel free to donate monetarily @

Jennifer Anderson is fundraising for Solo Serving Our Loved Ones Inc (

Thank you for supporting us in being led by the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom. May God richly bless you and everything attached to you. May He multiply your seed. In Jesus name, Amen

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Testimonial- we make a difference!!

“I saw firsthand the work that Jennifer does and she is making a true difference in our community! The folks I saw were so thankful to get a nice meal and grab a shirt or jeans to wear. Not everyone that is homeless is on drugs-many just need a little help. And quite honestly, I believe NO ONE should go hungry. Great job Jennifer!!!” - Lisa Yaremchuk

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Frequently asked questions

What can I donate?

  • Time
  • Donate food, blankets, sheets, toiletries, basic first aide supplies
  • Donate bibles
  • Donate monetarily ($120 feeds 50)
  •  Donate monetarily to help raise money for mobile equipment.


What kind of commitment is this?

You are free to donate as much time and as often as you would like. You are under no pressure or obligation to commit to any length of time. We are happy to have you for the time you are with us. Be led of the holy spirit.


Can I bring others that are not signed up with the group?

Of course. All are welcome.


What if I do not have transportation?

Please reach out to me. I can fit up to four people in my vehicle.


I have never done anything like this before and am scared to pray and evangelize. How can I help?

Be in the atmosphere of others that are doing it. You will not be put on the spot to do anything you are not comfortable with. There will be something for you to do, i.e. pass out lunches, waters, bibles etc. Pray over it. Over time, move with the leading of the Holy Spirit.


Are their opportunities to lead?

Yes! Inquire within. We would love to expand to prayer walks, bible studies and worship sessions. If God places something on your heart, don't hesitate to let us know. We will pray together and strategize/implement a way forward


Can I bring my group to serve?

Yes. Just please let me know beforehand so I can prepare.


Is it safe?

We seek to be led of the Holy Spirit, pray for protection and use wisdom in our movement. We are entering into uncontrolled environments. We cannot guarantee safety only that the Lord be with us and if we surrender to it, His will, will be done.