Why follow Jesus?

Published on 29 July 2024 at 20:45

Why follow Jesus? Why follow Him knowing it will cost you everything?

Because you will have lifelong companionship with the lover of your soul that will never ever give up on leading you out of darkness, into the light by revealing the truth to the way of life which is Him.

It is only him that can help you find the narrow road few find. And in Him, He will teach you to show others.

No one else, nothing else provides the way. No one comes to the Father but through Him.

At some point in this walk, you surrender. When given the option to leave like Peter you say

John 6:68-69

Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,  and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God. 

You realize that all other roads lead to nowhere.

So, you continue walking with Him and Him with you. Where, only He knows. But you trust Him that each step on the journey with Him is meant for the ultimate good. So again, and again and again you take up your cross and you follow Him.

From Jesus:

This is the answer to your question on how you teach people to follow God in a way that honors Me.

Reveal the cost in all truth and honesty.

Tell them why the cost is worth paying for.

This is your message full circle.

Now go forth and be a blessing.

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