My True love

Published on 8 August 2024 at 10:11

I feel at peace with God this morning.

When presented with the opportunity to go back, I would never.

I know a few things in my life for certain at this point:

I will never be fulfilled

  • Not serving God
  • Not being in relationship with God
  • Not seeking God

There is no life for me that can sustain me outside of God.

What good are romantic relationships, familial relationships, friendships, jobs, material items, etc. without God?

I know I will always feel like I’m missing something. There would always be a part of me that would wonder what if? The hole in my life, in my heart would weigh so heavy on me that it would lead me to depression, worry, anxiety and eventually leave me as a shell of a human being.

This would not only affect me, but would affect and infect all of my relationships, everything my hands touched and all that came into my presence ultimately leading to its death, theft, destruction and devouring. It’s inevitable because this is where the devil leads…

So, we are back to there being no life apart from God.

The alternative seems abysmal in comparison to considering where God wants to take me…into the beyond, the unknown, the further. There really is no other option but God.

Whatever He allows me to take with me-

As I typed that I heard “nothing”, sooooo, I take nothing but God into my future.

There is no other way. Not because I have no other option, but because it’s the option. It is the Way.

Make no mistake, there is only one. And now, I know it.

From Jesus:

Let’s keep moving forward together. I have so many great things I want to show you Jennifer, but the greatest is You. Your unveiling will be soon and then you’ll understand. Look toward and forward to the unknown. I will show you the Way. Seek Me and when you search Me with ALL your heart, you will find Me. Do you understand, Jennifer? (Yes) The last part was just for Me and Jennifer. You who are reading this, seek Me too. I have something private to share with you as well. I'll see you in the secret place.

Question of the day?

If you could go back, would you?

What prevents you from moving forward?

Make that your point of prayer.


It Means to Be Christian


You raise me up, to climb the mountain
And against its stiffness you make me stand
But pull me down from the high ground
To let me see the meaning of power and glory
You raise me up, to sail in stormy waters
And against its waves you make me calm
But pull me back from the sea and put me into the shore
For me to comprehend the meaning of name and fame
You raise me up, to walk on snowy ground
And against its coldness you keep me warm
But pull me in every side to feel its hardness
And make me realize the danger of too much wealth
You raise me up, to journey long nights
And against its darkness you made me see
But black my ways and took my luggage away
And ask me to pause and reflect which way
My friend you raise me up
From my weakness and limitation
You pull me back from my will and reason
To let me know what it means to follow you


Jordan Legaspi

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