
Published on 23 August 2024 at 11:50

Today, I had a difficult time waking up. Even when I did, I wanted to fall back asleep. The Holy Spirit was having none of that. His allowance of a cup of good ol' caffeine-coffee got my soul to lead my body out of that bed.

I was instructed to work out. During this workout, I allowed the Lord to push me. He challenged me with doing different types of exercises, moving in His flow as He desired.

I loved the intensity, the push, the challenge.

Then comes the lesson.

Why will you let me push you in the area of fitness but into your destiny?

Honestly, because my fitness serves me. It is my passion. It is what I like to do. I also receive immediate benefits from it and long-term benefits. I see and feel results. I enjoy getting stronger and faster each week. I love challenging my body and seeing what my body can do.

As I type this, more is being revealed.

There was a time when fitness did not come so easy. I always stayed in a realm of comfort never pushing myself past the point of discomfort far enough to see any real results. No real growth just a hamster spinning in the wheel, working so hard but never really going anywhere, sending me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions full of complaint, worry and despair.

How did I get past it? I finally had to decide to give it everything I had and push myself past the point of discomfort long enough to where I began to crave it. It was then, that it changed me and how approached fitness forever. The more I pushed, the more I changed in every aspect of my being. But the most amazing thing happened- the change became the backdrop. I truly just enjoyed the challenge and push.

Oh, how I long to be this way in my spiritual walk. 

It is available to me. I just need to crossover my attitude toward fitness to my spiritual walk.

The fact is, I am seeing some growth and impact in what the Lord has me doing. The Lord is expanding my territory and wanting me to branch out to grow even more. There is fruit- I am just merely looking for the wrong type of fruit. And I am simply yielding the results at this moment from the amount of effort and intensity I am putting into it, which these days is casual, comfortable and lacking discipline.

My prayer for all who will come to read this:

Oh Lord, set us ablaze once again for your glory. Help us to hunger and thirst to align with you and where you are taking us. Help us with discipline and to lean into the push. Lord, grant us a supernatural desire for hardship and suffering, so we can revel in pushing through it. Help us Lord to fall in love with the challenge of the push in our spiritual walk. Let it not be for what we can gain but simply for the challenge in and of itself. Lord let us partner with you to barrel through the resistance set before us to build and strengthen our spirit man like never before. We love you and honor you. Your end time army. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

From Jesus:

Jennifer, let it begin today. You have had the rest you need. You are now settled and established. Let's view today as day 1 of training. Strict discipline, focus and consistency will need to be in place in order to grow and mature spiritually in this season. I am leading and helping you push. You only need to lean into it and move in step with Me. Disregard your feelings and emotions. Separate them from the activity, tasking and schedule I have set in place for you. Do not let ANYTHING or ANYONE to include yourself stop you from doing what I have established for you to do and have come into agreement with you on. You say "the gym doesn't care about your feelings. It's just waiting for the work to get done". The work I have for you does not care about your feelings; it just needs to get done. Jennifer, DO THE WORK.

For those that are reading this, seek Me and I will show you what you need to do but I cannot make you do it, and the devil will not allow you to do it easily. You must desire it, commit to it, and stand in it no matter what. My end times army, suit up and fight back! I will help you, but this does not excuse you from the battle. Pick up your weapons, put on your armor and let's conquer this enemy together!


Question of the day

Are you ready to push like never before to grow and mature in your spiritual walk?

Will you let God push you into destiny?

Why or why not?

Believe that you can, commit to it and you will. Develop a righteous anger against this enemy who has come against you, your identity, and purpose your entire life! Decide today to arise and move forward and the plans and the purposes of God allowing NOTHING to stop you!!! God speed child of the Most High. Go forth and be a blessing

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