Going Within

Published on 5 September 2024 at 20:44

Today I began working on going within. I am in the processing of removing all external distractions so I can focus on what is going inside of me.

There comes a time where we must see value in ourselves. The beauty of exploring the deep recesses of your mind and seeing what's there; navigating your emotional state to see where it stands and move it into the place you desire; to check the condition of your heart and to align it with that of Jesus; to check in with your physical body- how it feels, if there are aches and pains or areas of tension. There is a whole internal world for you to explore. You can sit back and envision your future as God has revealed and playfully imagine all of the wonderful things that can take place. You can meet Jesus there.

Your internal being can be such a playground for you to enjoy.

At some point, you can lose this excitement in all that's available within and shift your focus externally all to the neglect of, well...you.

Social media, books, video games-what's your poison?

Meanwhile, our inner world while being neglected is struggling in disarray trying to keep up with no one to tend to it. It becomes a dry and parched land with no one to feed or water it with what it actually needs to thrive.

Today's major accomplishment- no social media. This is my first milestone and that is getting off my phone. It has created white space, calm and ease. I didn't realize how much of an addiction it has become as I don't watch television. But I can feel my flesh crying out for it while my soul is actually at peace.

My goal is to go within and stay there. Even in my interaction with others. Instead of coming out of myself, I want to simply stay within and let my inner child jump up and peer through the windows of my soul long enough to see what's going on, then go back and play with my best friend Jesus.

I truly am an amazing person. But if I don't want to spend time with me, why would anyone else?

From Jesus:

You are on the right track. keep going. There is so much available to you when you go within. Do not be afraid of what you see. I will meet you there and we will work through it together.

Question of the day

How much time do you spend with you?

Do you value your inner world more than you value the external world?

Get back to spending time going within. Use the time you would spend engaging online to engage others in person.


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