
Published on 6 September 2024 at 09:18

I am feeling an undeniable calm and peace today. The enemy has tried desperately to disturb it. Success only for the moment but then a return back to the peace.

How? Audio issues with YouTube, again. But what he doesn't understand is that I have long ago surrendered it to Jesus. The only reason why am I on that platform is because Jesus has called me to it and has something to say. If it doesn't work and I've done everything in my power, it is all in the hands of Jesus so NO SALE!

A company called today with confusion on their part.  As frustration arose, I just said I am not in the right headspace to respond appropriately right now. I will call you back later. They insisted. I held my ground.

Then a return back to peace.

The enemy desires to take you out of peace, out of God, who is the God of Peace.

We just have to see his antics from a far off and not allow ourselves to be distracted nor ruined by them.

My return to peace, returns me to God.

I want to live as one who is one with God.

I lay my old self at the altar of His feet.

I embrace and live into who is calling me to be today. One who lives in the spirit with Him.

Nothing else matters.

Nothing else here compares to the glory of God.

Lord, take me away with you. Let me fade into you.

Absorb me into your spirit.

This shell is yours to use as your avatar.

My voice no longer mines but yours.

My touch no longer mines but yours.

The windows of my soul now belonging to you.

My life no longer mines but yours.

Lord take me away in you.

I want this existence no more.

From Jesus:

Your prayer has been received. Move accordingly.


Question of the day?

Is it your desire to become one with Christ?

Understand, the flesh can't go where the spirit is leading you. More of the flesh must die in order for the spirit to lead. What must still die within you?


1 Corinthians 6:17 

But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.




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