I Don't Know

Published on 7 September 2024 at 13:21

Today, I don't know how I'm feeling so let's do the 

Truth about myself is exercise to find out.

The truth is I'm bored. I have feeling of numbness. And it feels like groundhog's day each day.

I am stuck in the routine of life where each day is planned with no variation.

There is little excitement, no passion, joy just each day continuing on as yesterday. What will I do- the same thing as yesterday.

There is also no drama, hardship, challenges difficulty as the known has been discovered and worked through.

Is this how life is supposed to be? Once when you figure it out, you simply live it out.

I am in the midst of a step from the Lord but even that has become known.

I crave excitement, adventure, the more in the Lord, the new in the Lord.

What must I do to experience this?

I have made even more room and space to hear from the Lord.

Where is Jesus?

From Jesus:

Jennifer what I want to show you must be done through you. You must step out on faith and begin to pray for others. You must step out on faith and interact with others in person. Follow my lead. I can only move through you when you move. Take the advice you have given to others and apply it. It was me speaking to you, through you. Begin today by saying hello to strangers and saying God bless you. When prompted to pray, do so upon my leading. Follow my instructions and the more will come. 

As you have made space for me, I see your intentionality. I will meet you there. Until then observe what's there.

Enjoy your peace and rest now. Enjoy the lull. Soon, rest will be difficult to get in hustle of family, ministry and life.

All is as it should be. No need to worry.

Question of the day

Have you taken the time to reflect on where you are today and brought it before the Lord for answers?


God has the answers you need. Know where you are so that you may bring it before the Lord so He can provide you with clarity and insight.


James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.


Proverbs 8:10–11

"Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold; for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her"

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