
Published on 10 September 2024 at 11:47

Right now, I am feeling the need to simply accept where I am in life. 

God has positioned right where He desires me to be.

It is not amidst a huge crowd. It is not in luxury. It is not in a prominent position.

It is tucked away in the shadows, hidden, isolated with only the basic necessities.

It is not an ideal. It is not to be discussed with all. It is nothing that one could boast of. It is even one that would bring shame on an individual by worldly standards.

In my own strength, I feel like I can climb to the top of all of the 7 mountains of influence and take over the world.

It has been made clear though, that the pit is where God desires me to reside. Even when opportunities present to bring me out, God has made it clear, the pit is to be my residence for however long He desires.

Like a prisoner who has given up His will to fight to escape and must accept life in captivity, I must do the same.

I would like to use positive words to express my current condition, but this would be a false representation of my emotional state.

The only thing I can say is that I am here, and God has chosen for me to suffer long.

Hope deferred truly does make the heart sick and the truth is, my heart has been sick longer than I can bear; Yet this is my cross that I must bear. My banner that says I'm God's. Although in this moment, I don't feel it.

I don't feel like a royal priesthood, an heir of God's, a co-heir to Christ.

I feel like for years, I have received all of His suffering, pain and His rejection. His communion with the Father. When do I receive His rewards?

With them seemingly far out of reach, definitely far out of my control, I resign to my pit, sick in my physical body, sick in my heart, a quiet desperation in my soul, I make my home here.

- A prisoner of Christ.

From Jesus:

It won't be long now Jennifer. Stay in position and watch my hand move powerfully in your life. You will be restored, better than it once was and soon you will jump for joy praising me saying it was good that I was afflicted once you see all that I have prepared for you. I know right now is extremely hard with what I have called you to do. You only have a short time left Jennifer -weeks. Push through and finish strong. You've got this and I got you. I am helping you get through. My grace is upon you. I love you, Jennifer. Feel my love. Feel my presence. I am with you.

Question of the day?

Have you accepted where God has you today or are you still fighting and resisting?


Bring it before the Lord and allow Him to respond.

Joseph's Enduring Faith


Now Joseph, son of Jacob, was a fine and faith filled man,
Who suffered many types of trials but trusted in Gods plan,
And though it seemed his Sovereign Lord had left him out to rot,
He held on to Gods promises in dreams he'd not forgot,

Still in those times when life was tough he never did complain,
He just worked hard and tried his best and all he touched saw gain,
And even when his masters wife had sought to bring him shame,
He honored God, and ran from her, he would not play her game,

When pharaohs dreams gave him a chance to brag about his skill,
He boasted in his Sovereign Lord and trusted His good will,
Then when, by chance, his brothers came and sought to buy some grain,
He chose to bless and forgive them and from revenge refrain,

The pit, prison and palace were a proving ground for him,
Of every circumstance he faced he wasn't a victim,
We cannot choose the trials we face or how long they will last,
But we can choose our attitude and choose to be steadfast!


By Hannah Aves Kyle

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