There are so many things at play in our lives that Just existing makes it abundantly clear we MUST rely on God.
God is stretching, training, transforming, growing and healing us for us and the advancement of His Kingdom.
The enemy is warring against us and wants to turn us back to the world and use as instruments of sin.
We are desiring to recover from our past, navigate our present and launch into our futures in the way, pace and speed we want, not according to what we can handle nor to completeness.
Others are desiring to pull us in the way that have already decided is best for us which just happens to be best for them even to our detriment.
So many voices all contending with one another.
In that you may be asking where is God in all of this?
Your sweet surrender to Jesus quiets all other voices
Calms the storm within
Forces will and desires to bow
Positions you to listen
And then...He speaks
Right now, there are many things in my life at work, competing for my time and attention.
I cannot trust every voice, every open door, every feeling or experience.
I can trust that if there is a competition, God has already won.
I can trust that as I seek God and earnestly desire to live for God that He will make His will known to me. And that He truly will make a way for His will to be done.
How? That is not my AOR- area of responsibility; that belongs to God.
I just need to seek, listen, and obey.
So, in the midst of what feels like the eye of the tornado in my very being, I look up to the heavens. I keep my focus on Him and wait.
I wait trusting He will bring me what I need, when I need it, and how I need it.
If I mistake in movement, the Lord know how to course correct and make crooked paths straight.
All I can do is trust God and do my best to serve Him and honor Him.
I will not live with anxiety, angst, worry, paranoia- a prisoner of my emotions.
I will live free in Christ. In love and Harmony with the Creator. One with the I AM.
From the Lord:
Jennifer, walk with me. Move with me, flow with me. You are seeing my movement, follow it. Don't hesitate, deny or doubt. You know me well enough to know my sound. Listen for it and move with it. Feel me and move. I am in you, drawing you to my presence that surrounds you that will lead you to my presence in where I am guiding you to meet you there. Don't think too hard. Just flow with me. I'm on the move as we speak. Follow me.
Question of the day
Are you patiently waiting on God's voice?
Are you in a state of peace and rest in your wait?
It can be hard to hear God in a frenzy or panic. Still yourself, calm your being and listen for that small whisper that speaks. Don't hear it? Wait on it. It's worth it.
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