God is in Control

Published on 18 September 2024 at 15:01

I have come to realize that I have taken myself as far as I can go.

There are no more ideas, pathways, options that I can take.

Nothing to be added, nothing to be taken away in my strength.

I am at a point where I need the intervention of Christ to move a step beyond where I am.

For what I need, I cannot provide.

I have responded and moved on all of the tasking that the Lord has given me.

I accepted my current position and am content to stay as long as the Lord desires.

With a lack of forward movement, progression, worldly markers of success, demand, visibility, I know that it is no longer due to my lack of effort.

I am all in.

It is as though God is waiting.

I have gotten to the end of my rope.

It WILL not happen through my own effort. 

It was always God's plan for me to get to the end of myself. For me to exhaust my time, effort and resources. For me to give my all into many things to show me the heights of where I can go in my own strength.

Along this journey, when I thought I had no more, He showed me where to access it.

But now that I am truly at a place where nothing can move unless He does it. I can see this is the place He desires me to be.

If God hides you, you can do nothing to unveil yourself and become visible.

If God closes the door, you cannot open it.

If God desires your reach to be limited, no amount of stretching can gain you access.

If God desires to be your only resource, all other resources will be fleeting or unattainable.

If God desires you positioned in a particular place, no other place will avail itself to you or there will be no peace elsewhere.

Man does not promote, position, provide nor oversee, God does.

The earth and fullness thereof belong to God.

We MUST surrender and submit ourselves to God. We must humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. We MUST decrease so He may increase.

There are things in life that will only move when God moves it in His perfect timing, in His perfect will.

After you have realized you have gone as far as you can go in life, give it all over to God and wait for Him to open up the floodgates of heaven so that you may proceed.

My prayer:

Lord, I have taken my life, with your help, as far as I can take it, as far as I believe you desire me to. Lord, instead of trying to figure out yet another way to move forward, I will wait on you. I trust you to take it where I couldn't on my own. Lord breathe over my life. Send a fresh wind over every aspect of my being, life, family, finances and ministry. Do what only you can do. Make my life a testimony that entices people to follow God. Don't let me be put to shame. Show up in this hour strong for me Lord. Your humble servant, your daughter who loves you with all heart, mind and soul. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

From the Lord:

It is finished. Job well done good and faithful servant. Now stay in position. Remain in position. Your time has come.



Question of the day

Have you given your situation over to the Lord?

Do you feel like you are trying to force forward movement?

Consider that God may have you as the arrow pulled back ready to launch you forward. Let Him have the control He so desires because ultimately, He has it anyway. Until you realize that you can do nothing apart from God, you will continue producing nothing.

Give your life over to God and wait for Him to open the new doors in this next season for you. 


John 15:5

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

My Letter to God

Oh, how I wish to go away in you Lord.

To get lost in the everything that is you,

Oh, how I long to be one with you.

To where my physical existence remains but my spirit has become lost in yours.

Where I am present in you but no longer clearly defined in you.

Make my body your living avatar.

You take control.

Set the world ablaze for your holiness and righteousness through me.

Fight against the forces of darkness through me. Square up with and take down the spiritual wickedness that pervades this world through me.

Use my body to storm through the enemy's camp and snatch back the souls of your children one by one.

Oh, how no longer do I want to serve my own purpose. There is simply no more to do or say that compares to your glory, your purpose, your will, your way.

Let me fly by the way of your glory.

Let me be carried by your grace. 

Let me move on your waves of compassion and mercy.

Let me baske in and consume others in your love.

Lord purify my heart, mind and soul. 

Make me a holy, righteous, and loving temple safe for your people to rest in.

Transform me into your humble bondservant forever more.

Let my life not to amount to nothing but everything in you.

Don't just use me, Lord. Have me Lord.

I avail my very breath to you Lord.

Do with it as you will.

I pray that I not only see you but that I get lost in the flow of you and become what the world has not seen before.

Whatever you so desire.


Your royal daughter

The apple of your eye

The one you delight in

The one who's soul you love

who love is returned to you in all my strength.





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