Contentment in the Lord

Published on 1 November 2024 at 21:33

Lately, the Lord has been reviewing the boxes with me.

We have been reviewing many aspects of my life. With each aspect, the Lord has explained that I have been making progress in them as a way to get to me to calm down.

I have been wanting to make sure that I am doing everything I need to do.

In this, what has been revealed to me is that I have become addicted to progress. 

I am not content with a thing as is. Over time, I like to see it evolve and progress. 

Usually this works to my advantage.

It has been programmed by 20 years of needing to advance in the military and be flexible, adaptable and ready in any given situation.

Also, as a mother and a wife for decades I needed to be able to adapt and change to facilitate the growth, and change occurring in my children, family and household.

For much of my Christian walk, I needed to grow, change, adapt, seek especially in this unique period of processing.

As of late, the need to be still, rest, settle feels uncomfortable to say the least.

It is like an abrupt stop to a train moving hundreds of miles an hour.

When is enough enough?

At a certain time shouldn't I be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor?

It's not as though God is saying stop but what I do feel Him saying right now is... Well Lord what are you saying?


The heavy lifting has been done. You have done all that I have asked you to do. It should feel easier, lighter. You have been at this a while. Don't look for hard and more. Look to be obedient and if hard or difficult come, don't run from it, move through it. Strive now to ground yourself in routine. Now that the foundation has been laid, establish a new norm. You have done all you can do. It's my turn to take what you've done and how you have allowed me to transform you and multiply it infinitely. You will see that all of your hard work will produce more than you ever could have imagined. Don't run ahead of me out of boredom or panic. Don't fall behind me. Just day to day rest in the new day with me. In the midst of that, the explosion will take place.  Until then, do what you know to do and know that I am God. "Take me at my word;)" In its perfect time, it will all come to pass.


Ok, so back to the simplicity of life. Ill stop stiving, efforting and just know that you are with Me and that's enough. I love you, Lord. You are enough.


So are you. I love you too. Me and you Jennifer...Me and you...

Question of the day

Could this be a moment in time for you in which the heavy lifting has been done and God now desires you to get into a normal routine and He will surprise you in His time?


Maybe we will simply get into living life day to day and days, weeks, months, even years later the "it" happens when we least expect it.


Maybe. For now, rest in God. Establish a new norm. This is the beginning of your new life. Take it step by step knowing God is placing the step down before you take it. He is with you leading and guiding you even when you don't detect Him.

Soon one day, one day...No waiting. Just living.




Take You At Your Word (Acoustic) - Worship Jesus At Home

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