I have been really excited lately because God is finally moving.
I can see things beginning to emerge.
I can feel in my body this surge of energy to accomplish more than I ever could on my own.
It is of the Holy spirit to enable me to do all that He is desiring me to do.
My creativity, motivation and work ethic are in overdrive.
My optimism, my knowing, my faith is at an all-time high!!
I am riding on the wings of the Lord, letting go and feeling the fresh wind blow upon my face.
Oh how I've longed for this day to return to the childlike joy of my salvation.
It as though I'm on autopilot and God is the driver.
At last, opportunities are opening up.
Blessings are trickling in.
As all this happens the Holy spirit, en route, asks the question:
Is it God who has finally started to move or you?
As I ponder this question, I can think back on all of the small, seemingly insignificant steps God asked me to make and all the foreign, uncomfortable, difficult things He has asked me to do.
Many steps I have dismissed, completed halfheartedly or did in my own way according to my liking with much modification.
When I began simply acting on ALL that God told me to do to include fasting, typing documents and doing hours of tedious research, applying for the seemingly impossible thing, visiting certain places, attending certain events, changing certain behaviors, letting go of certain people, changing routines, more steps began to open, the path became clear and more opportunities started to open.
We sometimes forget God is a God of specificity, discipline and order.
We believe we are waiting on Him and become uncomfortable with the silence and lack of movement, meanwhile, there are several baby steps in many areas of your life the Holy Spirit has told you directly or unctioned you to take but you have failed to take them.
When someone is no longer listening, you stop talking. So does God.
Yes, there is an appointed time for the vision, but understand the time prior to the manifestation of the vision is not without significance. It has purpose.
It is to prepare you.
Take some time to evaluate your life, mindset, attitudes, behaviors, activities?
Are you fully onboard with the Lord?
Are you receptive and sensitive to His leading?
Are you doing all that He is asking you to do?
Are truly seeking to become the new creature He is ushering you into?
If not, I assure you, God is waiting on you.
You cannot carry the baggage of your entire past with you.
It is time to offload.
He is waiting on you to climb abord, light, free and open with room to receive.
Once when you get onboard, it will blow your mind how fast your takeoff and ascent will be.
From Jesus:
Continue day by day to follow Me. I am teaching you how to handle the major responsibility I have called you to with much demand. If you try to do it all on your own, the weight of it will crush you as it is an impossibility. You need God to do the God thing. Rest in Me, Listen for Me. I will lead you and guide you every step of the Way. It is my life, isn't it? Time to let me live it as I choose. Trust Me, you will love where I am taking you. It is what you were born for.
Question of the day
Do you belong to God?
It is one thing to believe in Him, but do you belong to Him?
Are you not just following, but walking with Him?
Release what no longer serves you. Climb aboard. Be prepared to soar.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
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