Love on Assignment

Published on 1 August 2024 at 19:42

Today, The Lord sent me on a simple task. There has been preparation. First, He had me jog to a place during my workout- a park a later came to find was loitered with trash and people in the worst of circumstances. He then led to me a time later to go online and get trash bags, gloves and a trash picker. Today after my devotion time and workout, He said that my only task was to pick up trash for one hour at this park.

I walked around for an hour picking up trash. I was so nervous. There were hundreds of homeless people, drug users and sellers I would imagine. I can't count the number of people that were smoking crack pipes in the open. How such a place can exist saddens me.

This is not the first time I have been to a place like this. The Lord has sent me out several times in previous seasons but after this long stretch of isolation, I definitely felt a bit uneasy to say the least.

To my surprise, the minute I opened my trash bag and began picking up trash, two people started cleaning the area around them and put trash in my bag. Sure, they were clearly drunk, but they introduced themselves and were so friendly.

There I was out in the wild with Jesus and making friends while just picking up trash. Two people came to me with needs- one was so ashamed, embarrassed and shy. I could tell He didn’t want to be where He was. I prayed for both of them.

What I learned was that people are crying on the inside for help. They want someone to talk to and pray with. They need someone outside of their environment to express emotions, struggles and dreams to. Sure, they have Jesus and Jesus also has us.

The harvest is ready, and Jesus wants to send people out to go and gather. Can He send you?

My task today was only to pick up trash. He was clear about that. But what I clearly saw is that people were drawn to me not with curiosity, lust or ill intentions but with a broken heart that identified a healer. That healer I know is Jesus. 

I pray that I can continue to surrender and obey to make way for the Great Physician to work.


From Jesus:

Today you made me proud. As uncomfortable as you were, you smiled and loved them. You were in the presence of the least of these- my broken ones and you offered them you. Through you, I had access to them in a new way.

Do not be so concerned about what to say just make sure you let love lead, guide and pour out of you. People are not looking for a skillful performance. They are looking for love. Jennifer- give them that and you give the Me.


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