My prayer

Published on 6 August 2024 at 07:06

Lord help my heart return to you. Let my soul align with your Holy Spirit. Remove all bitterness, aversion and negative feelings I have toward this journey with you. Help me to lean in to the love I have for you. Help me to do more than lean but to fall deeply in love with you once more. Something is fighting the turning of my heart, the coming under  and abiding in you. Help me fight it Jesus. Return me back to the joy, eagerness and curiosity of following you. No matter the difficulty or hardship, don't let it harden my heart toward you. Help me Lord to keep it soft and open for you. I don't want you to have drag me kicking and screaming. I don't want you to have to convince me nor beg me. I don't even just want to follow you. I want to chase you. Help me to run joyfully after you like a child chasing her Father through open fields of flowers🌺 💐 carefree and full of love. Help me to obey and come under your full authority once more. Today, Lord I stand at your door and knock. I desire to be let in once again. I love you Jesus. Will you be my Lord again💍?

In Jesus name I pray Amen

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