In Awe of God's Wisdom

Published on 18 August 2024 at 18:29

I am marveling at God's positioning and coordinated movement in my life.

How is He able to lead me into directly and indirectly into spaces, amidst people that are tailor made just for me?

I'm an awe.

Even my bad decisions, perceived missteps, He uses to teach me, mature me and place me.

What boggles my mind is that the shifting, whether known or unknown, realized or not, feels off balance, awkward, unfamiliar

but when the smoke clears and I am firmly standing tall on the new ground, I open my eyes to an environment that is exactly what is needed for the next phase of my growth and development in my spiritual walk with the Lord.

Have you experienced this?

I mean, a spacious place that is full of met wants and needs, response to prayers, support and resources that have been strategically placed almost surgically with such exactitude to move me further along the path into destiny with Jesus.

Who is this great God that we serve? How am I worthy? Who am I to receive such personal attention and care over every detail of my life?

I mean, I can look and see the path forward in my next steps and also the many steps to come. Where I was once unsure, I can see with such clarity. It as though my future just appeared without me resorting to a formulaic process for revelation. It was God's decision to move, position and reveal.

As I stand in awe of the hand of God, my trust, surrender, obedience, and even joy and curiosity is restored. 

He really does even have the small details of my life worked out and will reveal them in His perfect timing.

We often think we have to do so much, but really, our job is simply to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him and He will lead us into the plan He already established for us before we even took our first breath.

Today, I am glad to be His. I am proud to be His. I am curious and excited again about this future that He has for me.

I don't want to chill. I want to go after all that God has for me.

Me, Jesus & destiny. Let's go!

Thank you Jesus.

This feeling, this moment, is my answered prayer.

From Jesus:

You have been through a lot Jennifer, but we still have much further to go. Trust that I know exactly what you need to help you press into the more. I am glad that your heart has returned to what awaits you in your future. 

Now that you have the big picture, let's focus on the steps. Don't get ahead of me nor fall behind. Move with me and eventually you will be on the other side of all that I have for you.

I love you Jennifer.

For those that are reading, I have more for you too. Seek me for my plan as you lay down yours. My plan is much greater than you can ever imagine. Trust Me and step out of faith as my servant Jennifer has and I will show you too.

Question of the day

Have you surrendered your will, plans and desires to the Lord?

Have you sought God for His?

Do you trust God with your life?

Know, that when you give the control of your life over to God, not only is every aspect of your life considered but all that are attached to you known and unknown for generations to come and covers what has happened in generations past, across all of time.

You want God's plan, and you can trust Him.

And as God is with you and for you, who can be against you.

Partner with God and soon you will be marveling at His great works in your life too.


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