
Published on 19 August 2024 at 17:48

"Christianity is not when you tell or scream out your title as a Christian because if those people you told lived their life the way you live your life, they would not go where you think you are going"- Stephanie Ike

These were the words expressed by my pastor at church yesterday morning and have been kicking up dust in my heart and soul ever since.

Leadership is a role I take very seriously. I understand the nuisances of leadership in that many people have experienced so much pain, rejection and heartache. To add, many have experienced neglect and failed to receive encouragement, support, validation, care, compassion and love. Some people are desperate for what they never had- nurturing and emotional support. When you consider that many are looking, often without even their awareness, what they never received, from a mother, a father, a wife, a husband, in you as a leader, you understand the weight and magnitude of leadership. There is fragility you have to respect, an awareness of the weight of impact of your conduct, and a responsibility to raise up, build up an individual to seek out, identify, come into agreement and align with and step into where you see God is leading them.

So, when I think about people following in my example, I do not want to lead them astray. I want to, with a clear conscience, tell people as Paul did "follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ" 1 COR 11:1

I want people to not just simply learn about Christ and how to follow Him by my words, I want to be a model for them so they can see what it looks like to walk the word out daily even when I do not know they are watching.

So today, I have been more mindful than ever to ensure I come under full authority of the Lord, seeking and obeying His counsel. I had a thought to type "as if they were watching" but the conviction I received is that God is always watching and isn't His response more important than anyone else? I have been leaning in to make sure I pass the tests, maintain consistency and resist what is resisting God.

So even though, this walk with the Lord, has been an adventure that has taken its toll full of great wins and losses, triumphs and failures, I am moved into deeper levels of surrender. "Just let go Jennifer, don't lean on your own thoughts and emotions, just obey God", is what I continue to tell myself.

Tired/alert, doubtful/confident, encouraged/discouraged, knowing/ not knowing, I press in, seeking God's instructions and obey.

If anyone that the Lord has placed in my path has picked up on this aspect of walking out your faith, I will have successfully positioned them on the narrow road that leads to life and fulfilled the call on my life as a leader in His Kingdom. 

Today, I embrace the call on my life, not just as one who has an additional title they proclaim with their mouth but as an ambassador of Christ whose entire life is dedicated to it praying earnestly that others do the same.

From Jesus:

Take your position and honor it Jennifer. It is I who promotes and I have promoted you, but you must see value in it, step into it and guard it. I will draw them, but you must remain in position to serve them. Do not leave your post unguarded. Maintain the watch. 

Questions of the day

Could someone follow your walk as you follow Christ?

What changes would you need to make to confidently believe someone could do so and be led right into the arms of Jesus having the tools they need to be successful in their Christian journey?

How would you rate yourself as an ambassador of Christ? Do you want to be?

Evaluate your responses and make them your prayer points.


Psalm 139:23-24  - Search me, God, and know my heart

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.


2 Corinthians 5:20

We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.


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