Embracing the More

Published on 21 August 2024 at 18:39

Today, I am opening myself up to the infinite possibilities of existence. I know that God is elevating above what I have always known, of who I have always been.

I can feel the pulling out of, away from, lifting above this world. I can also feel the hands of the enemy determined to keep me grounded in yesterday. There is this tug-of-war that is happening in which the decision is all mine.

The revelation occurs as I am typing-I don't want to let go. I am holding on. It's not that the devil has his grip on me. I am holding tight to him like an abuser that I have emotionally attached myself too. I am well aware of the nefarious agenda of the enemy but yet I won't let go.

A classic case of Stockholm syndrome.

Do I want to be made well? Do I really want a life of holiness and perfection?

Or do I like the rebellious, disobedient, "bad girl" and this why I merely keep her suppressed instead of delivering the final blow of death?

Today, I am ready to let her go. Today, I let go and let God pull me into His Kingdom with Him to seat me in my rightful royal seat with Him in Heavenly places.

I also realized that I will not be transported or translated there. There will not be a smokescreen that occurs and when it clears, I'll be where God desires to take me like in the movies.

No instead, the Lord tells me "The door is open Jennifer. Walk through it".

I must let go. I must walk through it. How will I know how to do this? The Spirit will lead me. I simply need to surrender and follow.

Oh, how I tire of this mundane existence. I grow weary of these sin cycles in which I fall short. I'm ready to be released, freed from captivity.

I am ready to lose my life to the Lord. Not just some of it, but all of it.

I didn't realize that I was holding onto it; that I only gave Him the bulk of it. Today, I give Him all.

Take the life you paid for Jesus. I am merely returning what belongs to you.

Lord, have your way.

From Jesus-

Now go and tell them to do the same. I await your arrival...


Questions of the day

Are you ready to depart from life as you know it?

Are you ready to kill the old man once and for all?

Know the enemy will not allow this to happen easily and there has been an aggressive effort to keep life "as-is".

If your heart is still seated in what was, his job is easy. If you place your heart in the pursuit of your Heavenly seat, surrender to the Lord's leading and allow Him to pull you out resisting the devil at every turn, he MUST flee.

Your promise land awaits, but your old man can't go with you. 

In this moment, say your goodbyes and go away with Jesus.

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